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Kamis, 29 September 2011

Unique African Tribe

Maasai Rate History

Maasai tribe is a tribal group from Africa who have a pattern of semi-nomadic life in Kenya and Tanzania. They are one of the tribal groups of East Africa's most well known in the outside world because of its unique culture gan and because they reside close to many nature reserves and national parks in East Africa.

They also spoke in the Maasai language (Maa), which is still in touch with the family of Nilo-Saharan language - the language of language Dinka, Nuer, Turkana and Songhai. Maasai tribal population varied between 377,089 from the 1989 census to 453,000 souls living in Kenya in 1994 and 430,000 in Tanzania gan in 1993 with a total estimate of 900,000 soul

Estimated number of actual population in both countries are still vague, because they spread across many
remote areas as well as their lifestyle on the move.
Althought the government of Tanzania and Kenya has provided educational programs for the Maasai tribe
to abadon their life patterns are semi-nomadic, but they stick to their ancient tradition. 


This photo is one of the chief tribe in the village masaai.

tribal dance maasai

The dances can also be to summon rain, whe the drought be to come.

This picture portrays the life of children in tribal massai


customs of the Maasai tribe. They turned out like polygamy, the average man in the tribe masaai has 6 to 8 wives. But not all polygamous, each wife lived in separate houses. In the village masaai most women, the daily work of the Maasai tribe men and cattle grazing animals. Women for a job carrying water, firewood, wash in the pool, cooking at home.


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