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Senin, 07 November 2011

way of walking to burn more fat

Walking is the most mild cardio workout. Fewer calories burned than running, cycling or swimming. Even so, walking is an exercise that many people liked.

Want to burn more calories by walking? Consider the following tips, as quoted from the Health and wolipop.

1. Standing Upright
When the body is aligned, the back and buttocks muscles will work harder so you can walk faster and burn more calories. Stand upright with your back straight, ears, shoulders and hips aligned.

2. Small Steps
The best way to improve the speed and burn more calories is to walk with a small and fast.

3. Use the Hand
Bend your arm to form a 90 degree angle, then pump both arms forward and backward. This will increase your speed and course, burn more calories.

4. 'Sweep' Sidewalk
When running, do a sweeping motion on the soles of the feet when walking, ie, by lifting the heel and when the body rests on the finger tips, give encouragement. This movement is like to get rid of chewing gum stuck to the soles of shoes. This movement will move a lot of muscle so that more calories are burned.

5. Avoid Rise
Incline is good to burn more calories by bringing pressure on the body. But if you can not keep pace when climbing, then you should not have to pass a hill.

6. Heart Rate Increase
The tool is very good heart rate monitor to burn more calories while walking. This tool can be your personal trainer. The trick is to notice the heart rate indicated on the monitor, then tingkatkanlah heart rate by walking faster. Try to keep the heart rate did not decline during the run and will get the maximum calorie burn.

7. Choose the Right Shoes
Shoes designed for walking or running will provide additional power for you. Choose shoes with minimal cushioning and maximum flexibility at the front of the shoe.

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