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Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

1000 health benefits of water for our bodies

Although outgoing, involved very closely every day, could not help much too secret excellence that overlooked the water, it turns out our old friend is very much usefulness.

It turned out well, our dependence on water repellent not limited to mere thirst.

Bathing twice a day and wash your hair at least once every three days late is highly recommended health and fitness experts. The reason, a touch of fresh water by the body making the body feel fresh and fit again. To maintain the beauty of anything, even cleaning the body must be properly addressed; plus a glass of water 8-10 glasses a day. Even water is also widely used by the followers of the religion and cult, for example for ablution water, water baptism, the means cast out demons, etc..

Since hundreds of years before Christ people are familiar with the properties Rowawi bath, either a milk bath or soak in fresh water ponds are equipped with shower and fragrances. The goal is that the body clean, healthy and fragrant.

Spa we know today was not only associated with water, but also with beauty treatments, mental health agencies, as well as fitness, which include materials or natural means such as facial and body treatments with aromatherapy, herbal baths, body scrubs, body wrap, setting nutrition, yoga, meditation. But the concept itself Spa origin is only concerned with water. The term "spa" is taken from the Greek sante par aqua, meaning health through water therapy.

European spa culture has evolved in the seventeenth century. In those days many people on vacation to find the source of mineral water in order to cope with health problems. It goes all the way, in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta is also still visible relics of the washing of Taman Sari Palace where the girls bathroom to get cleaned up to make it look more beautiful.

Water for Fertility

According to the researchers a thrombosis research institute in London, England, if people always showered with cold water, will improve blood circulation so the body feels fitter. Added again that the bath with cold water will increase production of white blood cells in the body and increase a person's ability to attack the virus. In fact, cold showers in the morning can increase testosterone production in men and estrogen in women. Thus, fertility and sexual excitement will increase. Also improves skin tissue, nails healthier and stronger, not easily cracked.

Water is also believed to participate cure heart disease, rheumatism, skin damage, respiratory disease, intestinal disease, femininity, etc..

Now, instead of various kinds of alternative medicine has to offer by way kungkum (soaking) in water containing a magnetic, high salinity, sulfur or other chemicals that can improve health.

Say Ciater, about 32 km north of Bandung, has long been known to the public as a tourist area cool with the added attraction, a natural hot spring. They believe, natural hot springs there can help treat the disease. Indeed, based on research, Ciater hot water containing high aluminum minerals. According to the classification of balneology (the study of the efficacy of therapeutic baths), hot water included in the category Ciater calcium chloride, magnesium sulfate thermomineral hypertherma with high aluminum content (38.5%) and very acidic pH (2.45).

In addition to the treatment of skin, water Ciater effective for the treatment of paralysis, for example due to stroke. The reason, could help strengthen back muscles and ligaments as well as expedite the circulatory system and respiratory system. Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic effects of water Ciater help sustain weight loss during training runs. While the effects of heat causes dilation of blood vessels, improving blood circulation and tissue oxygenation, thus preventing muscle stiffness, relieve pain and soothe the mind.

The content of ions, especially chlorine, magnesium, hydrogen carbonate and sulfate in water Ciater, helps the dilation of blood vessels thus increasing blood circulation. Also able to sterilize the skin pH of the water. Understand it, due to the highly acidic environment germs will die.

In the Dead Sea, the world's most high salt levels, travelers were advised soak to cure various kinds of diseases. Either the extent to which properties have not been studied clearly.

Fountain splashes in the body will feel like a massage, so the body will feel more relaxed. Alternative medicine experts have even suggested, in contact with a fountain, a walk around the waterfall, or river and park with many fountains, will acquire the properties of negative ions. Negative ions which arise due to water droplets collide it can relieve pain, neutralize toxins, combat disease, and help to absorb and utilize oxygen. Negative ions in the blood stream of oxygen will accelerate the delivery of packets into cells and tissues. Bath using the shower at home also have the effect of generating negative ions.

In developed countries, water therapy has also been a lot done. Two experts from Germany, Vincenz Priesnitz and Father Sebastian Kneipp, use warm water and cold. Initially patients were included into a bath of warm water to sweat, then moved to a cold water bath, then was asked also for a minute stroll to sweat again. Finally, the patient again with cold water bath. Exchange temperature from hot to cold that is the secret key of this treatment. The benefit to stabilize the heart and blood circulation.

Similar manner was also already widely recommended by alternative medicine experts in Indonesia. How, bathing or flushing the body with warm water, then soak briefly in cold water (temperature 18oC). Even supposedly this therapy can improve the fertility of men and women.

Muscle tension can be defused with a warm water bath temperature of about 37 ° C. While our aching feet are often recommended to soak the feet in warm water mixed with a little salt, then the soreness was gone.

There is another unique therapy, water therapy and combination of sounds. Liquid sound, practiced at the Clinic Bad Sulza, Rhuringen, Germany. How, with his hands crossed behind, the patient's body float in the pool water surface in a supine position. His body can float in the Dead Sea such as pond water contains 3% salt.

In that position the patient's ear which submerged in the water could clearly hear the music that floated through multiple loudspeakers, mounted in the bottom of the pond. Type of music on patient choice, most gentle so it can be soothing. It is said that after bathing, the body feels light and fresh. The thought was growing brighter.

Too much to drink Body Fit

Efficacy of water does not stop at just about the shower or bath. No less important properties of water when drunk. Besides food, water is needed by our bodies. Someone who lack food can still last for several days, but the lack of water can be fatal, because water is the biggest part of human body composition.

In the body of a man with an average weight of 70 kg, according to Dr. Elvina Karyadi, MSc, nutritionist, water content in the body approximately 45 l. (In women, the water content is slightly lower because a greater body fat composition.) Of the total water content above 45 l, about 30 l contained in our cells (intracellular), while 15 l is outside the cell (ektraseluler). Which includes water outside the cell is water in the fluid of the brain, eyes and nasal fluids, including fluids of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to another source, the water content in the brain 83%, renal 82%, cardiac 79%, lung 80%, 22% bone, and blood 90%. When the water content in each organ is maintained as needed, then the organ will remain healthy. Conversely, if declining, its function will also be decreased and more easily disturbed by bacteria, viruses, etc.. So you can imagine how big the role of water in our bodies.

Fortunately, the human body has a mechanism in maintaining the balance of the incoming water intake and expenditure. Thirst was on every person is a normal mechanism in maintaining the water intake in the body. Water bodies require approximately 2 to 2.5 l (8-10 cups) per day. Total water demand is already including the water intake from food (such as soup, soup, etc.), beverages such as milk, tea, coffee, syrups etc.. In addition, water intake was also obtained from the metabolism of food consumed and tissue metabolism in the body.

Importance of water intake per day, can also be seen from a certain amount of water removed from the body every day through several mechanisms. There is through urine, feces, sweat, and also through the respiratory tract.

The amount of water released by the body through the urine of about 1 l / day. If the number of stools in healthy people spent about 50 - 400 g / day, the water content of about 60-90% weight of stools or about 50-60 ml of water a day.

Meanwhile, water is wasted through sweating and respiratory tract in the daily maximum of 1 l, depending on the temperature of the surrounding air. Not to mention the expenditure of factors of water through breathing. Someone who has a fever, the water content in the breath will increase. Conversely, the amount of water that is inhaled through the breathing air is reduced due to low humidity surroundings.

Our bodies will deteriorate if the water content decreases and the charging less rapidly implemented. Obviously, because there is a very close relationship between quality and water content in the body with our body's response.

Dr. James M. Rippe, a cardiologist from the U.S. suggest to drink at least 1 l more than what is needed our thirst. Because the loss of only 4% of the liquid will result in a reduction of our performance as much as 22%! It is understandable if lost 7%, we will begin to feel weak and lethargic.

The more we do the activity, more water will drain from the body. Moreover, people living in tropical countries where more energy is expended. Therefore, health experts warn not to drink only when thirsty. Lots of drinking habits, whether it is hungry or not, is a healthy habit!

That means, working in air-conditioned room also requires us to drink more, even if not thirsty. Because, in air-conditioned room we will more quickly become dehydrated. That much to drink will help the skin does not dry quickly is important to note not only by those who daily work in air-conditioned room, but also by those working in the room where the temperature is not fixed. The temperature up and down causing the room humidity is also uncertain. With drinking water will help neutralize the influence of such changes.

Water is also "sweep" the dirt in your body that will be faster out through urine. For those who want to slim down the body too, drink warm water before eating (making it feel somewhat satisfied) is one way to reduce the amount of food intake. Moreover the water contains no calories, sugar, or fat. However, it is best to drink water at medium temperature, not too hot, nor too cold.

Realizing how much water is very supportive fitness, health and beauty of the body, it could not hurt us maintain a friendship with old pal of ours. As long as we still can enjoy the usefulness, let's take advantage of the best.


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