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Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

Secrets Behind Fingerprint

Fingerprints are personal identification that can not be there like it. If the world's 6 billion people alive, then there are 6 billion fingerprint patterns that exist and have not found someone who has the same fingerprint with others. Because of its uniqueness, the fingerprints used by police in the investigation of a criminal case (forensic). So in the event of a crime, crime scene will diclear up and forbidden for anyone to enter because of fear it would damage the criminal fingerprint that may be left on the existing evidence at the scene.

There are three types of fingerprints of Whorl (circle), Loop (hook) and Arch (arc). The properties or characteristics possessed by fingerprints is parennial nature of strokes on fingerprints attached to human life, immutability which means that fingerprints person will never change unless a condition is serious accidents thus changing the fingerprint pattern existing finger and individuality, which means the uniqueness of fingerprints is an originality that can not be equal owners with anyone on this earth once in a identical twin.

The science of fingerprints is dactyloscopy derived from the Greek meaning dactylos fingers or fingers and scopein line, which means observing.

Uniquely, the fingerprints can also be used as a guide to identify how a person's potential, so we can know the actual or potential talent so we can accommodate our potential for the type of jobs are best suited to our talents are. Method of identification can be done by naked eye with the person expert in his field, or some are using a special tool fingerprint reader (finger print reader) connected to a computer which then analyzes specific bersoftware based on the points is the reference. As for who can be identified is about a person's control logic, reflexes and brain development. About the form and the fingerprint pattern consisting of three types above have distinctive characteristics, namely:

1. Whorl (circle) is the principal form of fingerprints, has two deltas and at least one circular line in the pattern area, walk in front of the delta. This type consists of Plain Whorl Whorl, Central Pocket Whorl loop, double loop and Accidental Whorl Whorl.
2. Loop is the principal form in which prints one or more lines coming from one side of the painting, ramp, touching or crossing an imaginary line drawn between the delta and the core, stop or inclined towards the side of the original stop.
3. Arch is the principal form of fingerprints that all the lines coming from one side of the painting, flow or tend to flow to the other side of the painting, with a bumpy ride in the middle.

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