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Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

toothache resulting in the risk of heart disease

Toothache may be taken for granted by most people. But people are still not many are aware that a toothache can be the cause of other diseases that are not mild, such as heart disease, stroke and others.

Teeth are one of the organs that are important to the early stages of food digestion and plays a role in communication. other functions that are not less important is in terms of facial aesthetics. But unfortunately the dental health care is often considered trivial. Yet healthy teeth and oral cavity have an impact on the health of the body.

The emergence of a toothache can be caused by such diverse diet due to a lack of dental care and oral. Special relationship with cardiovascular disease bacteria in the mouth, some researchers uncover startling facts. Based on research from a number of cases was heart disease, as much as 54% of patients had a history of periodontal disease (gum).

The spread of dental disease to other organs can be explained by the theory of focal infection (FI). Focal infection is a chronic infection in one place and trigger the disease elsewhere.

A variety of poisons, the remaining residual dirt, and microbes on the teeth and mouth penginfeksi it could spread to other places, in other body parts such as kidneys, heart, eyes even though skin diseases.

Infection in the tooth root and supporting tooth dijaringan daro involving more 350 kinds of bacteria and microorganisms. Because the location of the infection is very close to blood vessels, bacterial products in the form of the toxin can spread throughout the body.

Bacteria from the mouth (oral bacteria) when entering the veins will stick to the deposition of fat in the arteries of the heart and will lead to clots that cause coronary heart disease, inflammation of muscles and heart valves (endocarditis). All that, inhibiting blood flow and distribution of food resources and oxygen to the heart, so the heart does not function properly.

Early symptoms may include chest pain, such as burning, pressure, and heavy loads on the left chest to the left arm, neck, chin and shoulders. Chest pain was also felt in the middle chest didikuti nausea, vomiting, dizziness, cold sweat, leg and arm became cold, and shortness of breath feels.

Research shows that people who suffer from dental disease have a risk 2 times higher risk of coronary heart disease than those without. And people who have been diagnosed with stroke are generally more likely to have an infection in his mouth.


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