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Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

9 food enhancer longevity

1. broccoli
According to experts, broccoli contains more vitamin C than oranges, more calcium than a glass of milk and contains more natural fiber from the stack of bread wheat and contains quite a lot of antioxidants
Advantages: Vegetables Broccoli is one vegetable that contains a lot of anti-carcinogens that can stimulate the body to fight cancer-causing substances. Not only that, broccoli also serves to prevent the occurrence of cataracts, heart disease, arthritis, ulcers and various viruses.

Presentation: You get maximum benefit if you consume it in a way brokolo boiled or eaten raw. Can also be made a salad with a sprinkling of low fat cheese.

2. Chamomile

Chamomile daisies still includes family and are commonly used for treatment.
Advantages: Chamomile is usually used to relax the nerves. Commonly used to reduce the stress and pressure. The fewer levels of stress that you suffered, the lower your chances are also attacked by various diseases related to stress. In addition Chamomile also helps detoxify the body by removing "garbage" useless through the kidneys.

Presentation: Chamomile can be consumed like dry food or brewed. It can also be dipped into warm water like tea.

3. Cranberries
Fruit is still including the family of this berry contains vitamin c, chemical eradication of bacteria and contains antioxidants.

Advantages: Cranberries help to protect the occurrence of urinary tract infections, cancer and also protect the entry of harmful bacteria into the organs of the body.

Presentation: This fruit does have the benefit of "sweet" for the body but eating raw fruit is very sour. If you love to eat fruit, try to mix with corn muffins. But if you want to take maximum advantage of this fruit, try to drink a mixture of cranberries and apple juice to taste is not too acidic.

4. Fish Oil
Some fish such as salmon, mackerel or herring known as a producer of omega-3.
Advantages: Eat fish species can lower blood cholesterol levels and also protect you in order to prevent stroke and blood clots in the brain 

Presentation: You can eat it raw like sushi or eating can also be baked.

5. Lemon
Fruit juice is still a close relative of the citrus fruit and fruit also contain lots of vitamin C.

Advantages: Useful addition to keeping the beauty of the face, it also contains lemon juice as an anti-bacterial properties which are very good for fighting infections like thrush in the mouth and sore throat.

Presentation: Try to squeeze the lemon over the salmon when you're want to eat sushi, you can also drink lemon juice mixed with water or add a squeeze of lemon juice on your salad.

6. onion
According to experts, onion also rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and sulfur.

Advantages: It's ironic because onions make your breath less savory but was able to protect you from a variety of respiratory diseases such as asthma and respiratory tract adang. Not only that, the onion was also able to raise levels of HDL or good cholesterol in the blood and protect you from the threat of cancer.

Presentation: The best way to eat garlic is to eat it raw in salads or sandwiches. And the best onion to eat is onion and garlic.

7. wheat
Wheat has a high calcium content, but it also has the best natural fiber for those who want to go on a diet.

Advantages: If you want to enjoy a long life with a healthy body, try to switch to wheat. Wheat serves to protect your teeth that are not easily fragile and also prevent porous bone so you do not have osteoporosis. Besides wheat is also a food that is low in cholesterol, may reduce blood pressure and fight against colon cancer.

Presentation: The best presentation of no other way is to cook it over low heat or in brewed with hot water.

One fruit is certainly no stranger in your life. With cheap prices and exceptional benefits, do not be surprised if the fruit is a favorite of many people.

Advantages: Tomato can boost one's immune system, reduce the spread of germs in the body and reduces the risk of cancer, especially prostate cancer, lung and colon cancer.
Presentation: According to experts, who have cooked tomatoes contain higher levels of lycopene than raw tomatoes. Instead of canned tomatoes contain 3-fold levels of lycopene in tomato sauce while the fresh tomatoes contain 5 times the levels of lycopene than raw tomatoes

9. green tea
Tea is very popular in Japan does have a lot of vitamins like A, C and E, which also serves as an antioxidant.

Advantages: Did you know that green tea is more powerful than the samurai sword because it can prevent the oxidation of cells which in turn will turn into cancer. Besides green tea proved efficacious to build defense for the immune system and thin the blood to fight heart disease.

Presentation: Just as you would regular tea drinking. Try green tea brewed with hot water in your cup. Allow for some time. The longer the green tea was submerged, the better the results for your body.

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