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Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

uric acid

Uric acid is the result of metabolism in the body, whose levels should not be excessive. Uric acid crystals have a shape that is the end result of purine metabolism, which is one basic organic compounds that make up nucleic acids (acids of the cell nucleus) and included in the group of amino acids, the building-blocks of proteins.

Everyone has uric acid in the body, because on any normal metabolism of uric acid produced. Normally, uric acid will be expelled from the body through the stool (feces) and urine, but because the kidneys are unable to remove uric acid that is causing rising levels in the body. Another thing that can increase uric acid levels is we consume too many foods that contain lots of purines. Excess uric acid will then be collected in the joints, causing pain or swelling.

Food sources of animal products usually contain very tinggi.Produk purine foods contain high purine less good for certain people, who have talent impaired uric acid. If you eat these foods without any calculation, the amount of purines in the body can bypass the normal threshold.

Some types of foods and beverages that are known to increase levels of uric acid is an alcohol, hearing fish, eggs and offal. Hearings or similar fish (sardines), and organ meats are a source of potential compounds. Are classified as offal is not only the intestine but all other parts contained in the stomachs of animals - such as liver, heart, tripe, and spleen. Consumption of viscera aggravate the enzyme to process the purine hypoxanthine. As a result many of the rest of uric acid in the blood, which is shaped granules and accumulate around the joint so that creates a feeling very ill.

Normal Levels of Uric Acid

Uric acid levels can be measured in two ways, enzymatic and Engineering Ordinary. Normal uric acid levels by an enzymatic test a maximum of 7 mg / dl. While the technique Ordinary, normal values ​​up to 8 mg / dl. Uric acid levels above normal is called hyperuricemia.

Normal uric acid levels in men and women differently. Normal uric acid levels in men ranged from 3.5 to 7 mg / dl and in women from 2.6 to 6 mg / dl.

Disease Uric Acid (Gout)

Someone said to suffer from uric acid (gout) if the conditions meet certain requirements and usually once a classical course of their illness, such as having the typical symptoms of gout, uric acid found in high levels in their blood, and the results of microscopic examination of joint fluid or tofus (lumps of uric acid ) found uric acid crystals in the form of needles.

Gout (gout) is classified into primary gout and gout secondary.

In primary gout, 99 percent of the cause is unknown (idiopathic). Allegedly associated with a combination of genetic factors and hormonal factors that cause metabolic disorders that may result in increased production of uric acid or it could be caused due to the reduced spending of uric acid from the body.

Secondary gout is caused partly because of the increased production of uric acid because of the nutrients, ie foods with high purine levels.

Increased production of uric acid could also be due to diseases of the blood (bone marrow disease, polycythemia), drugs (alcohol, drug-cancer drug, vitamin B12). Other causes are obesity (overweight), skin diseases (psoriasis), high triglyceride levels. In people with diabetes are not well controlled levels normally contained ketone bodies (a waste product of fat metabolism) is elevated. Ketone bodies are elevated will also cause elevated uric acid.

Arthritis due to an increase in blood uric acid levels with arthritis called gout or arthritis arthritis. Acute gouty arthritis is caused by an inflammatory reaction of tissues to the formation of urate crystals. In most cases of gout history of the disease and the clinical picture is specific, so sometimes the diagnosis can be directly enforced.


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