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Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Radiation in Cigarettes Known Since 1959 But Hidden

Los Angeles, In addition to hundreds of nicotine and other harmful toxins, cigarettes also contain a radioactive substance called alpha ions. The presence of hazardous substances is claimed to be already known by the tobacco industry, but hidden for 42 years.

Startling claim is submitted by researchers from the University of California at Los Angeles and published in the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research. The researchers revealed that after learning the secret documents from the tobacco industry since 1998.

One of the documents mentioned, the presence of radioactive material in cigarettes had known five years earlier than expected so far. In the early 1960s, the tobacco industry quietly been doing in-depth investigation related to the possibility of a radiation element.

"The tobacco industry has been aware of a radioactive substance in cigarettes since 1959. They knew that trigger cancer, but hid that fact for years," said Hrayr S Karagueuzian, professor of cardiology who led the study as quoted from Indiavision, Friday (30 / 9 / 2011).

Not only that, the document also shows that during the tobacco industry tried to obscure the facts about the radiation dangers of secondhand smoke and health. The results of the investigation of ion dangerous alpha should not be publicized.

Radioactive elements in tobacco, is derived from natural minerals in the soil and fertilizer use. One element that releases ions polonium alpha is, the level of radiation was mentioned 7 times larger than the X-ray

Radiation effects in cigarette smoke can accumulate, and then in the long run will lead to lung damage or even cancer. Not only active smokers who could be affected, passive smokers, or even third hand smoker also threatened his health.

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